Not too long ago the girls at G&S reviewed “Never Woulda Letcha” the latest release by singer and songwriter Taylor Grey. We recently caught up with Taylor to get the scoop on her latest project and more, check out the interview below.
Fun Questions:
Top 3 songs on my playlist right now are…?
Cigarette Daydreams – Cage the Elephant
Soap – Fox Wilde
Superficial Love – Ruth B.
Most memorable experience while on tour was…?
The most memorable experiences will always be being on stage and seeing people sing my lyrics along with me – it’s a really magical experience.
Craziest thing a fan has ever done…?
Once a fan followed me and my band from the show venue to In’n’Out. The crazy thing was that we got lost on the way, so we went on two freeways and several random streets, but she stuck with us the whole way. She didn’t even come in to say hi.
Never leave home without…?
My phone or lip gloss
Before going on stage I…?
I have this weird habit where I have to sing a little bit, even just a chorus, of every song I sing in my set.
My dream collaboration would be…?
Ed Sheeran, hands down.
If there were three words to describe your sound, what would it be?
Vibey Space Pop
Can you give us some idea of what inspires you as a songwriter and artist?
My experiences and experiences of those close to me. I song write to story-tell, and I tell stories that are sometimes direct life experiences I have had or they’re sometimes narratives I craft based on a plethora of experiences and emotions that are true to me.
Your highly-anticipated album set to release this spring is called Space Case, how did you come up with such a unique name for your project?
Space Case is actually the title of one of the song’s on the album and the name really stood out to me. I was drawn to it as the album title because I thought it was unique, but also because the song, “Space Case,” really encompasses the essence of this album for me. It’s about a girl who is a little out there – with her head not even just in the clouds, but in outer space – who just has big dreams and is working to actualize them.

Fans recently got a chance to experience the first single from the album “Never Woulda Letcha” and judging by the response from your fans it seems like a hit! What do you feel goes into creating a song that resonates with listeners?
I think being honest in your emotions is crucial. Whether I am writing a heavy Pop song like “Never Woulda Letcha” or a more alternative song like some in “Space Case,” I believe in telling true emotions and stories. I’m never going to create stories that I think people want to hear – I like writing about unconventional things, like having the female voice aka my voice being the one taking care of a heartbroken boy or wanting someone to like you even though you have no intention of liking them back. I like the not-so love story.
Many times artists feel like they are called to perform in some aspect, do you recall the moment when you discovered that this was the path you wanted to follow?
I started musical theater when I was really young because I was a shy kid and my mom wanted to help me come out of my shell. Because I was so young, I can’t remember an exact light-bulb moment, but the stage has always felt like home to me. When I went on tour last summer however, and I was singing my own songs on stage, I felt this immense feeling of happiness where I said to myself “I never want to stop doing this.”
What do you hope that your fans, new and old, will take away after hearing Space Case?
I hope people listening feel like they can see themselves in my songs. I hope that they can relate to at least one song and feel like someone else gets it, that they aren’t alone. I have songs like “Never Woulda Letcha” that are upbeat and Pop for people who gravitate towards that. But I also have songs that I’ve written while crying on bedroom floor heartbroken. There is a wide spectrum which I loved creating because as I songwriter I was given the freedom to write what I felt when I felt it.
The music industry has changed a great deal over the last decade and to be honest much of the music that is out there sounds similar; as a young artist how do you distinguish yourself from other performers?
I think it’s easy to fall into the trap of trying too hard to be different or distinguish yourself. I will always stay true to myself in the moment. I change everyday and I grow, and my songs reflect. Something that distinguishes me is that I will never feel the need to fit a musical box, per se, I don’t care to be labeled as Pop or Alternative or Singer-Songwriter. I love writing the songs that feel right to me in the moment. Also, I’m still in school!
We understand that you are attending college at Stanford University and are currently a sophomore; that is awesome! How do you juggle the demands of higher education at such a prestigious university with being a celebrity?
I’m still learning how to balance the two! I’ve had to make sacrifices in both facets of my life, but it has been worth it. I’m very lucky to have a very supportive family and team around me helping me do what I love.
So your album Space Case is due to release in Spring, please share with us some of your feelings and thoughts that go through your mind when a project of such a large magnitude is finally complete?
I’m not going to lie, I am so excited and restless for the album to be released. This will be the first body of new work I’ve released with songs I have written since starting college, so it’s big for me! I cannot wait for people to hear it!
Thanks for taking some time out of your busy schedule to chat it up with G&S Taylor, please let us know how can fans keep up to date with what is happening in the world of Taylor Grey music?
Of course, thank you so much! I’m always on my Instagram and twitter which are both @iamtaylorgrey and there’s my website which is taylorgreymusic.com.
Check out our Music Review on Taylor Grey “Never Woulda Letcha”

Hailing from Northern California, Taylor Grey is a 19-year old student in her sophomore year at Stanford University. Taylor discovered music at a young age having studied both musical theater and opera. Taylor penned her first song at the young age of 12 and later became a self-taught musician playing the piano and the guitar. The breadth of Taylor’s repertoire extends across various genres and influences in the realms of Classic Rock, Jazz, and 90’s Hip-Hop. Through her journey as a musician, Taylor has uncovered her own distinct sound and style.
No stranger to the studio, Taylor’s debut release was a two-part EP entitled “Mind of Mine I & and II” in 2016. She worked with producers Benjamin Taylor and Bryan Morton on the project and later garnered the attention of Jacob Whitesides after performing on his summer tour “Lovesick”.
Now, Taylor Grey is poised to make 2017 her breakout year. Having teamed up with award winning producer Josh Abraham and collaborating with a host of well-known writers and producers such as Nico Stadi, David Kuncio, Jordan Ware and Isaac Hasson for her first studio album, Taylor is most definitely winning. Look for Taylor Grey’s highly-anticipated album release Space Case, due out in Spring 2017.
Shop for Taylor Grey’s latest single “Never Woulda Letcha” at your favorite digital music stores.
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