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Nice is Just a Place in France

Calling All Nice Girls, Time to Get Betchy

Nice is Just a Place in FranceAre you one of those people who is afraid to take risks? Afraid to say “no”? If you’ve ever felt, used, abused, and treated like a doormat, it’s probably your own fault. Remember, people will only do exactly as much as you allow them to if you do not stand your ground. If there is one thing that I have learned this year, that is life is simply too short for BS and sometimes you just have to be a total beotch to get the satisfaction that you deserve. Some times you have to flip the bird, say “no” and put yourself first. Inspiring isn’t it?

I know, changing your approach with people, friends, and the certifiable might be hard at first but with a little help from #TheBetches, you could be well on your way to taking back your time, energy, and life. What a relief!

I dug into the books ‘Nice is Just a Place in France’ by The Betches and I was pleasantly surprised by this entertaining read. This book covers everything from friends, to guys, work, and getting exactly what you want out of life on your terms, all while keeping you laughing the entire time.

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