“Eglantine”, the latest music release by musician and sound engineer Miftah Bravenda is a luscious mix of ambient waves, warm vibrations and complemented with sultry vocals. “Eglantine” is an unconventional electronic mix that entices the listening ear with haunting energy and dramatic synths. The track performs with leisure energy as various sound effects are woven throughout its play.
If you enjoy relaxing to subtle grooves, you will also enjoy taking in the sounds of Miftah Bravenda on “Eglantine”, a handsome production with a flawless exhibition of musical prowess. Miftah Bravenda, through his latest release exudes individuality and a bold, knack for the original.
Listen to Miftah Bravenda “Eglantine” now streaming on Soundcloud.
Miftah Bravenda creates a rare listening experience that is pleasing to the ear while traveling in its own lane. The song however, is appealing as a loungey groove and ultimate chill-out soundtrack. “Eglantine” is carefully crafted to deliver an alluring presence which captivates fans as they mull over the poetic lyrics sung over the instrumentals.

“Eglantine” is a masterful production that will certainly surpass the ages as it delivers mass-appeal and transcends time. Miftah Bravenda’s instrumentation does not remain within the confines of electronic music but rather ventures beyond the recognizable horizon to offer a distinct interpretation. The single track embodies many styles and genres while offering a fair share of soulful vibrations. “Eglantine” introduces multifaceted performance to behold whether you are a music veteran or novice of the incredibly diverse genre.

Hailing from Serang, Banten Indonesia, Miftah Bravenda is a musician and sound engineer. The musician says his music is inspired by anxiety he feels from his bedroom.
Bravenda’s music can be described as uncomplicated in tune with an exciting flair. His sound is ambient with moody build-ups throughout each track. He has been inspired by performers such as MONO, The Trees and The Wild, Man without Country and Secular Ghost to name a few. Miftah Bravenda produces music from “Are You High? Soundlab” his own recording studio.
Connect with Miftah Bravenda Music
Follow on Instagram www.instagram.com/miftah_bravenda/
Follow on Twitter www.twitter.com/an_adverb
Listen on Soundcloud www.soundcloud.com/miftahbravenda
Listen on Bandcamp http://miftahbravenda.bandcamp.com
Visit http://miftahbravenda.com
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